Home > J.P. Morgan Access® FAQ

J.P. Morgan Access® FAQ

General questions

What is changing? What is this integration all about?

We’re happy to have you as part of the JPMorgan Chase family, we are going to help make this transition as smooth as possible.

In May 2023, First Republic entered FDIC receivership and JPMorgan Chase acquired its assets and liabilities. We are now transitioning First Republic products to JPMorgan Chase products and services, which will take effect in May 2024.

Effective May 25, 2024, your First Republic business deposit account(s) will transition to JPMorgan Chase.

You will be integrated to comparable JPMorgan Chase products. Other First Republic accounts or features may transfer at different times, and you’ll receive separate communications about them, if applicable.

We will work closely with you to integrate you onto our products and share information with you on the next steps within the coming weeks.

Explain integration timeline and how it will affect my business?

May 28th 2024 is the date your deposit accounts will transfer to JPMorgan Chase and you’ll be able to view these accounts on one of the premier online platforms. All of hFRB products will be integrated to comparable JPMorgan Chase products.

You can continue to transact on your business deposit account(s) using First Republic online banking or mobile apps, in a Preferred Banking Office, or via your banker, or Client Care Center until May 24. You will continue to have access to your funds throughout the transition of your deposit accounts; however, some services will be impacted between May 25-27.

We're committed to communicating with you in advance about any requirements for successfully onboarding you to all comparable JPMorgan Chase products before integration date.

Important milestones/items to note:

  • Documentation Collection (Document/information collection)

    We will contact you via email/phone for documents and DocuSign for your new JPMorgan Chase products. More information to come on this, but in the meantime if you have any questions on the documentation collection, please reach out to us.

    For ONLY cash concentration and money market mutual fund:

    For cash concentration and money market mutual fund sweep, we must receive your executed terms with a properly completed Schedule so that we know how to manage your funds.

  • User Training: April 15th 2024
    Starting April we will offer trainings, product information, and user guides for you to get familiar with our products so you are prepared before we integrate you to the JPMorgan Chase platforms (more information will be provided in our communications regarding training)

  • JPMorgan Chase online platform:
    You will be able to view your accounts prior to the integration on JPMorgan Chase platforms in “view only” status to get familiar with the user interface. You will continue using existing hFRB products and platforms up until your accounts are transferred.

  • Integration date – 27th May 2024

    hFRB products will be integrated to comparable JPMorgan Chase products during the weekend of May 24th (Memorial Day integration weekend). You will have access to the JPMorgan Chase products on May 27, 2024.

    Security administrators will be able to configure other users prior to the integration including: add other users and create entitlements.

    You will begin to receive your entitlements in April. If you have not received those details, contact your relationship team.

Are there any specific process in place to provide JPMorgan Chase entitlements?

Yes, you will have brand new setup on JPMorgan Chase products, and our team will be here to support you throughout this integration process including entitlement setup and security administrator trainings.

What happens if there are discrepancies or missing information after the integration?

Our team of integration specialists will be following up for any missing information via emails and phone. Alternatively, you can call us if you have any questions and/or need to submit or update information.

What is the impact to me if I am not willing to integrate?

All accounts will be placed on the JPMorgan Chase platform through an automated process run by our technology team. In May 2023, First Republic entered FDIC receivership and JPMorgan Chase acquired its assets and liabilities. We are now transitioning First Republic to JPMorgan Chase Chase’s products and services, which will take effect in May 2024.

As a result, you will not have the ability to continue using existing First Republic products/infrastructure.

The integration will occur on May 27th 2024 (memorial day weekend) to ensure accuracy, consistency and security we are unable to adjust the timeline.

We are conducting this integration on a holiday weekend to minimize any disruption to your account(s). You will have access to your account(s) via the JPMorgan Chase platform beginning May 28, 2024.

If you do not wish to bank with JPMorgan Chase, contact your relationship team for next steps.

How will I receive my login information?

You will receive a J.P. Morgan Access® Welcome Email and text with instructions on how to log on.

We will share more details via email and phone when available.

Why am I receiving log in information for two platforms?

Some clients will receive log in information for both J.P Morgan Access® and Chase Connect®. The platforms have different functionalities that support different products.


How will the integration impact my current or future dated ACH?

You will be able to schedule payments, send one-time, recurring as well as future dated payments.

Payments that are scheduled at a later date, would need to be originated through your JPMorgan Chase origination channels.

After DDA accounts are transitioned to JPMorgan Chase, you will be assigned origins to received files. After the integration, you will be contacted with instructions on how to make these changes.

Will ACH fraud protection services remain on accounts that currently utilize this service?

Fraud settings will be integrated to J.P. Morgan Access®.

All heritage First Republic eligible users that have ACH Positive Pay will integrate to J.P. Morgan Fraud Protection Services.

The user experience for enrollment into ACH Transaction blocking will differ by channel. If you will be using J.P. Morgan Access®, you will be pre-enrolled for ACH Transaction blocking.

We will share additional information including training in coming months.

Any ACH product related questions

Thank you for your question. We have a team to answer all your ACH related questions and I am happy to transfer this call to the appropriate team. Would you like that?

Will I be able to schedule payments, send one-time, recurring, or future dated ACH payments to recipients?

Yes, however you need to be mindful of their integration dates. Payments that are scheduled beyond May 22 would need to be originated through their JPMorgan Chase origination channels. The hFRB would need to remain open for a period of time for returns and reversals.

Will JPMorgan Chase offer ACH services to Retail?

No, JPMorgan Chase will not offer ACH services to Retail users.

What is the cut off time for sending files:

Will depend upon the Channel and other criteria. The cutoff time for ACH POSITIVE PAY is 9 pm EST.

What ACH services will not be offered on JPMorgan Chase Cash

Services that will not be offered are concentration & sweeps functionality. Additionally, APIs are not integrating to JPMorgan Chase.

Will ACH fraud protection services be available for all or specific accounts?

Anyone who already has this service, their fraud setting will be integrated.

Those being integrated to J.P. Morgan Access® will have their accounts auto enrolled for Debit Block by the integration team.

Will historical data integrate over?

No, hFRB historical data will not integrate over to J.P. Morgan Access® platform. You will have access to hFRB portal with ‘read-only’ functionality to access historical data for a limited time.

What are the steps I need to take before integration to enroll in JPMorgan Chase ACH product?

First, your Security Administrators needs to entitle sub users and set daily limits per user, then setup file imports in appropriate formats.

Second, SAs should entitle users with approval and activation entitlements.

Third, responsible entitled users should approve and activate the templates.

What is the last day I can make changes to my FRB ACH templates?

The cutoff date for changes in FRB templates is 5/3. Any changes made after the 5/3 cutoff date will be manual as you will need to copy over the changes to J.P. Morgan Access® and will require approval.


What do I need to do for continued Billing service?

There is no action required from you. You will receive communication for awareness that you may need to access your account analysis statements from different portals if you have personal and business accounts. Starting on May 28th, 2024, personal and business accounts will be accessed in separate portals.

How will JPMorgan Chase support me through the integration?

The timing and availability of billing account analysis statements will be impacted differently in the coming months.

  • First Republic will generate a statement for the first 3 weeks in May 2024, but waive any deficient balance fees - instances where earnings credit on deposits is less than fees incurred.

  • No JPMorgan Chase statement will be generated for the last week of May, 2024 and no deficient balance fees will be charged for that period.

  • JPMorgan Chase will generate statements for June and July 2024, but any deficient balance fees will be waived.

  • JPMorgan Chase will generate statements and charge deficient balance fees starting with the month of August, 2024.

You should carefully review June and July billing account analysis statements for billing accuracy and reconciliation.

What changes / impacts should I expect regarding billing statements?

Billing service code numbers and descriptions will be slightly different on the JPMorgan Chase statement.

Earnings credit will be computed against 100% of eligible balances at JPMorgan Chase vs 90% at hFRB; however a new 13 basis point fee will be assessed at JPMorgan Chase.

There are a small number of similar services where the billable items are different between First Republic and JPMorgan Chase, thus price neutrality will not be possible.

Fees will be assessed at JPMorgan Chase for manual bank initiated wires that otherwise could be executed through the online portal.

Fees will be assessed at JPMorgan Chase for accounts that might have an overnight negative balance.

Personal/Individual deposits will not be able to be used to offset fees incurred for commercial banking services.

Cash Vault Services (CVS)

I received a communication email from JPMorgan Chase stating changes in armored fee changes for Cash Vault, can you explain what’s changing?
  • Armored carrier fees will no longer be offset by account analysis earnings credit. Beginning with your April invoice (March activity), you will begin to pay the armored carrier directly instead of FRB making the payment.

  • These changes are meant to streamline processes and better align billing to industry standards.

  • The armored carrier invoices will provide details about how to make payments, including payment due dates. If you do not receive the invoice in April, please contact your armored carrier provider.

I don’t have contracts on armored carrier that I am currently using. How do I get it?

Your armored carrier contract is currently between you and the vendor. Please reach out to your armored carrier provider if you have questions about the contract or how to make payments to them.

How will I place my coin and currency orders?

You will now place your orders using the J.P. Morgan VRU (Voice Response Unit). The VRU order guide and access codes will be delivered to your store location by your armored provider during the first 2 weeks of May.

Will anything change with how I prepare my deposit?

Please continue to prepare your deposits as you are today.

Will my scheduled service days change for deposits?

No, your service days will remain the same.

Can I use my existing deposit tickets?

Yes, you may use your existing deposit tickets unless notified otherwise.

Do I need to get new deposit bags?

No, you can continue to use your existing stock of bags.

When will my deposit be available?

For deposits received by 4 PM local time, the funds will be available the following business day.

Will I still be able to see images of my deposit tickets and checks?

Images will not be available online post integration; however, you can request them through your service representative and they will be able to provide copies.


Will I still be able to get images of my checks on a CD Rom?

CD ROM will continue to be available at JPMorgan Chase, however there will be new keys and a new image viewer.

During the month of the integration, you will get 2 CDs. When integration takes place, the CD process will move to JPMorgan Chase, but until then, the CD will still be delivered by First Republic Bank.

How will I access my new CD from JPMorgan Chase?

Download the new image viewer before the integration – further communication on integration timeline will be communicated to you in the coming months.

Will I need a Password to access my Images for CD-ROM?

Your J.P. Morgan keys will be delivered separately before integration.

Can I use the new J.P. Morgan Image Viewer to open the CD’s I received from First Republic Bank?

You will need to retain the current FRB CD Viewer and password/key to view CD's received prior to Integrating to J.P. Morgan. You cannot open a CD received from Chase using the FRB software, likewise you cannot use the Chase application to open a CD received from FRB.

Are there special System Requirements for CD-ROM?

The upgraded ImageViewer will support upgrades/integrations from previous releases 8.3.0.x and higher so you won’t need to re-enter your past encryption keys.

Check Issuance

What is Reconciliation Input feature in JPMorgan Access?

The Reconciliation Input feature provides automated confirmation of the receipt of one or more files, which includes item totals and dollar totals. Detailed activity reports for the uploaded files enhance both security and customer support.

Reconciliation Input also allows you to:

1) Select file formats from a predefined, previously tested list, or define your own custom formats. You must test all new file formats created prior to using them.

Note: It is highly recommended that you test your file format before production uploads, even with predefined formats.

2) View online the status of files uploaded to the bank.

3) Manually enter Issues and/or Cancels online, with Payee Lines.

4) Enter data into custom fields, if subscribed per customer request.

How do I utilize Reconciliation Input feature in JPMorgan Access?

Within J.P. Morgan Access® Checks, click the Recon Input tab at the top of the page to upload files containing Issues, Cancels, Stops, and Stop Revokes and submit them for processing. You may also manually enter issues and cancels o Checks, without having to create additional issue files for unique issues or cancels. Upon receipt of your files or manual input, J.P. Morgan will validate and process your data.
Check records are quickly forwarded to the teller system for accounts with Teller Line Positive Pay. At all times, you can view the status of your file during uploading, validating and back-end processing.

What does Reconciliation Input process entail?

The Reconciliation Input process comprises three major steps: Bank Receive, Validate and Process.
Bank Receive: Users send Issues, Cancels, Stop Payments and/or Stop Payment Revokes for accounts to which they have the appropriate entitlements.
Validate: J.P. Morgan Access® validates the file based on the file layout that you specify. We also validate at the transaction level to prevent duplication. After the file is uploaded, any validation errors (e.g., incorrect format or duplicate transactions) show on your screen.
Note that improperly formatted files are rejected and not processed. Files with duplicate or invalid records are filtered, allowing any remaining records to be processed. You will see confirmation data on the screen showing the number of “good” line items and “bad” line items in the file, and the dollar totals are broken out by transaction type (Issues, Cancels, Stops, Stop Revokes).
Process: Confirmed records are routed for processing. You can download records that cannot be processed in CSV format.

How do I set up customized file format?

If you have customized templates today at heritage First Republic Bank, you will need to create brand new templates once you are entitled to J.P. Morgan Access® Checks. Otherwise, you will have to utilize the standard default templates.

There are two custom file formats available - delimited (CSV) and fixed width. You can specify the file format type in the New File Format Setup page, which is accessed through the Recon Input tab.

Check Positive Pay

When is it happening, including timing of integration waves and any related key events?

The majority of all integration activities will take place in conjunction with the Demand Deposit Account (DDA) conversion.

Series of communications will be provided in the near future regarding integration timeline and any actions you may need to take.

To integrate the check positive pay service, you will have to initiate the action to self-enroll to J.P Morgan Access® Checks and Positive Pay service.

If you are an J.P. Morgan Access® bound user your security admin must log into J.P. Morgan Access® and entitle your users and enable Access Checks. And you must setup your email alert groups as well. Your users must also then login to their J.P. Morgan Access® portal. In order to ensure successful activation of positive pay service please instruct your users to submit an initial check issue; this can be a void or penny check.

What do I have to do for continued positive pay service for checks?
  • If you are an J.P. Morgan Access® bound user your security admin must log into access and entitle your users and enable Access Checks. And you must setup your email alert groups as well. Your users must also then login to their J.P. Morgan Access® portal. In order to ensure successful activation of positive pay service please instruct your users to submit an initial check issue; this can be a void or penny check.

  • For any questions please also be sure to reach out to your Relationship Managers. They will be able to best advise you on which JPMorgan Chase check product, best fit your needs.

  • Please be sure to review and accept the Terms of Service.

  • An online user guide will be shared with you at some point in the future. Please reference that guide to learn more about how you can set up the product following the instructions in the user guide.

  • Additionally, we will share more details via email regarding training schedule. Please register for training and complete the training.

  • Once all the previously mentioned steps are complete, please begin using JPMorgan Chase’s Check Positive Pay on Wednesday, May 29th.

What is the impact if I am unable or unwilling to integrate to use JPMorgan Chase’s Check Positive Pay?

JPMorgan Chase understands that initiating the process is inconvenient for you. You may increase the risk of fraud losses if you fail to use appropriate fraud-prevention tools or services that would have detected unauthorized activity. Our Positive Pay and Payee Verification services help prevent losses from check fraud, such as employee theft, forgeries, counterfeits and alterations.

  • As described in your account terms, if you do not use the services we offer that are designed to help prevent fraud, the risk associated with losses shifts to you. If you do not take the required actions to implement the fraud protection we recommend, you will be liable for losses if an unauthorized or altered item is paid from one of your accounts, including payments based on magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) encoding, and counterfeit, forged or altered items.

When can I expect to receive additional communication regarding check positive pay service integration requirements?

You will receive multiple communications in the months leading up to the conversion of your accounts to JPMorgan Chase. These letters will include details of what to expect for all your products and how to ensure continuous service as you move over to JPMorgan. Your admins will also receive email alerts when your online banking platforms are made available to you. Please be on the lookout and be sure to follow-up the instructions listed to ensure your Check Positive Pay service continues as you are integrated over to JPMorgan Chase.

What is the benefit for me to have JPMorgan Chase Check Positive Pay?

Our Check Fraud Prevention Service provides all the benefits of the Check Positive Pay service you used with First Republic—and it allows you to action pending check exceptions up to 4 p.m. local bank time. You’ll be able to monitor, review checks, configure alerts, upload checks, and decision exceptions just as you do today.

How long can I view information about my approved or rejected positive pay check history at First Republic?

JPMorgan Chase retains data for your review for 90 days. Each request can encompass up to 30 days at one time.

You will have access to your Corporate Online profile at First Republic in “view-only” mode. You will be able to review your transaction and positive pay history going back 6 months.

What’s the exception decision cutoff time?

Decision cutoff time is 4 pm local bank time. Local Bank time is based on where your account is located, which may not match where your office is located.

Your bank number will be noted in your communications from JPMorgan Chase and your Banking Service Professional can assist with any questions you may have.

What happens if I want to change my decision once I’ve entered it?

If you would like to change your decision, please contact your Service Professional to make any decision changes.

Are Consumer Accounts eligible to receive Check Positive Pay services?

Unfortunately, Check Positive Pay is not offered to retail / consumer accounts.

When is my last day using Check Positive Pay at First Republic?

Tuesday May 28th. On this day you must login to your Corporate Online profile at First Republic and decision any pending items in Positive Pay before 12pm PST / 3pm EST. This is the last day you will have to use Positive Pay in Corporate Online.

Friday May 24th at 12pm PST / 3pm EST is the deadline to upload checks on your Corporate Online platform at First Republic. After this time the ability to add checks to the system will be disabled.

Check Print

How will the bank receive the check print file?

You will continue sending your check print file to the bank using your current process, however, this service will be discontinued by the end of the year. Please contact your banker to learn about equivalent services at JPMorgan Chase.

What is the cutoff for file delivery?

For First Republic, files received by 5am PST are be processed and mailed on the same day. File received by 4pm PST is processed and mailed on the next business day.

Do I need to make any changes to the check print file?

You will not have to make any changes to the file you currently send, but as mentioned before, this service will be discontinued by the end of the year. Please contact your banker to learn about equivalent services at JPMorgan Chase.

Will I continue to receive file receipt notifications?

Users sending files via Direct Transmission will continue receiving the notifications they receive today.

Will I continue receiving my check registry and PDF check copies?

You will continue to receive their check registry and PDF copies of the checks until you are fully integrated to a JPMorgan Chase check print service. These items will continue to be sent via Direct Transmission.

Will my Check Positive Pay file still be auto-generated?

You will continue to have your check positive pay files generated automatically up until you are integrated to a JPMorgan Chase check print service.

Documentation Collection

Why are you requiring new documentation from me?

The documentation collection is JPMorgan Chase’s effort to collect this information and any required signatures from you so that we have the most up to date information including the signatories and security administrators for your company. This will ensure that you have a smooth customer experience and also help JPMorgan Chase reduce fraud in your account(s). Please note, all documents are for hFRB integration only and will NOT affect your accounts at JPMorgan Chase.

How can I submit my documents?

The documentation collection process will use DocuSign to facilitate the document submission process electronically over your registered email.

What is the timeline for the documentation collection?

All documents are required before integration but individual document requirements may differ. We will communicate due dates along with document package we share with you.

Why do I need to complete a SADF (Security Administrator Designation Form)?

A Security Administrator Designation Form (SADF) designates a Security Administrator and delegates authority to manage and control the primary Customer’s online banking for J.P. Morgan Access®. The document also allows you to link additional Companies (entities) to be viewed under a single online profile with the authorized signer’s authority. SADF is required as part of JPMorgan Chase’s onboarding process and integration from First Republic Bank. Additionally, it will ensure that you have a smooth customer experience and also help JPMorgan Chase reduce fraud in your account(s).

Why do I need more than one Security Administrator?

All of JPMorgan Chase’s Corporate Investment Banking users are recommended to have at least two Security Administrators (SAs) (three SAs are preferred)on their profiles: one SA to create and one to approve.

However, if you can only provide one security administrator, you will need to complete the SADF Waiver for Standard with Security Waiver Model document shared with you via email. If you have zero or one Security Administrator on your profile(s) without the Waiver signed, you will not be able to use any J.P. Morgan Access® product until you are remediated and set-up with the proper number of Security Administrators.

What is a Security Administrator (SA)?

Security Administrators (SAs) manage users and product entitlements online. Through them, your employees can get user IDs and passwords, security tokens, password resets/unlocks, and the entitlements they need to do their jobs.

What are the roles and responsibilities of Security Administrators (SAs)?

Security Administrators (SAs) have a wide range of responsibilities including the following:

First, SAs are responsible for creating new users and modifying or deleting existing users. They also manage the product functionality and accounts that users can access.

Second, SAs manage security credentials. SAs distribute user IDs and activate or inactivate users. SAs also distribute new user passwords and perform password unlocks or resets. Additionally, SAs manage the inventory of security tokens, assign/distribute them to users, assignor revoke temporary token codes and activate or inactivate users.

Third, SAs manage user entitlements for a number of products, including Payments (Wires, ACH, FX and Account Transfer), Checks, Transaction Services and Information Reporting.

Fourth, SAs ensure that your SA designations are kept current, advising JPMorgan Chase when revisions are required.

Lastly, SAs are responsible for enabling companies for Access Mobile via a self-service tool on the J.P. Morgan Access® Online website, enrolling eligible users for Mobile access and Voice & Swipe password authentication as appropriate.

Who should I designate as Security Administrators?

The people who fill the role of SA should understand your company’s operations and audit requirements and be familiar with the products and services you use. They are not required to be the CFO or Treasurer, but they should be a person with authority as they can entitle employees to initiate transactions.

They should have knowledge of security and be readily available during normal business hours. You may even choose to have one or more of your SAs on call outside of normal business hours.

Many users consider having their existing Risk or Security department managers take on the role of SA. These personnel often already manage employees who can access accounts, including the issuance of funds transfers or ACH transactions, making them an ideal choice.

What will my Security Administrator have to do prior to integration?

During the implementation of J.P. Morgan Access®, your SAs will:

First, attend Security Administration training to learn about their role in creating new users, defining entitlements and distributing security Credentials.

Second, learn about J.P. Morgan Access® functionality and utilities.

Third, create and entitle new users.

Fourth, assign and distribute security credentials to new users.

What tools will Security Administrators use?

Access Administration and the Security Administration application are the primary tools SAs use to manage user access and entitlements.

Access Administration allows SAs to create or delete users and entitle them for a variety of J.P. Morgan Access® products. New users can be added and the entitlements for existing users can be modified or revoked.

In addition, Access Administration allows SAs to control access to specific functions or set limits for Wires, ACH, and Account Transfers.

Through Security Administration, SAs can perform a number of security management functions. SAs can retrieve user IDs and initial passwords for new users, activate and inactivate users, and reset or unlock passwords. It also allows SAs to assign or replace a user’s security token and to generate or revoke temporary token codes.

What is Funds Transfer Administration (FTA) tool?

The Funds Transfer Administration (FTA) tool provides SAs with an optional level of controls for users with more complex security needs using J.P. Morgan Access® Global ACH.

If I am a Security Administrator, can I make changes to my J.P. Morgan Access® profile(s)?

The Security Administrators cannot make changes to their own J.P. Morgan Access® profiles. For example, primary Security Administrator (“SA1”) is a user, they cannot initiate a request to update their own entitlements. Secondary Security Administrator (“SA2”) can initiate and tertiary Security Administrator (“SA3”) can approve the request. Even if the primary SA is not a user, the third SA is necessary as a backup.

How is a Security Administrator added to an J.P. Morgan Access® platform?

Security Administrators are added by reaching out to a service associate to generate the Security Administrator Designation Form (SADF).
The SADF requires the below pieces of information along with the signature of an authorized entity level signer (Managing Officer).

  • Action Box: Add, Modify or Delete check box

  • First and Last Name

  • Phone number

  • Cell number required if SA will be utilizing a soft token to login

  • Street address including city, state, zip code and country

  • Email address

  • Security Admin signature

  • Certifying Signature of a Managing Officer with date

  • All fields must be completed to prevent rejection of the form.

Why do I need a soft token (RSA SecureID software token)?

Users entitled to perform sensitive functions, including SAs, are required to enter their token code and password when logging on to J.P. Morgan Access®. They are also asked for this information when performing activities that require additional security (such as releasing a transaction).

An RSA token is a technology mechanism which lets an end user authenticate to a system by retrieving a 6-digit token code.

A soft token will require a mobile phone number be listed within the SADF. The soft token is an enablement provided to an SA/user who will then download the RSA SecurID software app to their mobile device. Soft tokens do not have an expiration date and are the recommended method of authentication for SA/users.

What happens to a Security Administrator who is inactive / does not log on by a certain time period?

J.P. Morgan Access® moves an SA who has not logged in after 185 days to inactive status. After an additional 180 days, J.P. Morgan Access® moves the SA to a “purged” status.

Why can I find SAs when searching the GECID on the FRC side, but we are stating that there are no SAs?

The difference is that for post- integration, you were mapped at a profile level, not a GECID level. If there was more than one profile then you will get multiple J.P. Morgan Access® profiles. GECIDs can have multiple profiles.

That being said, some SAs under a GECID are only aligned to one specific profile and may not be aligned to another (due to splits between LOBs or platforms) OR have incomplete information that there was no way to make a you whole on that new profile build.

Why did Consumer profiles go to J.P. Morgan Access®?

This typically happened due to the need for transmissions, which is a product available only through J.P. Morgan Access® Typically speaking, the Consumer profiles that went to J.P. Morgan Access® were Corporate Consumer profiles.

Why do I have multiple profiles when at FRC I only had one?

You were mapped at a profile level, not your entity level. Thus, if you had multiple profiles pre- integration then you would also be getting multiple J.P. Morgan Access® profiles.

In addition, dependent on how you’re being split between platforms (J.P. Morgan Access® vs Chase Connect®) and the Line of Business can affect the amount of platforms.

Can I just have one profile?

This is dependent on the specific case:

I. If all profiles are in one line of business and on same platform, yes, but it will have to wait until post integration to consolidate

II. If split between J.P. Morgan Access® vs Chase Connect®, dependent on the specific scenario

III. If LOB split, no

How was it determined what profile I went to?

There is a strategy dependent on a couple of different rules:

I. Experience Rules:

a) If you already have a J.P. Morgan Access® profile

b) If you are split LOBs and expected to have profiles on J.P. Morgan Access®

II. Product Rules:

a) Investment products (Money Market)

b) Transmissions (Wires/ACH, Check Outsourcing, SWIFT/FX Reporting)

c) Certain Lockboxes

III. Digital Rules:

a) More than 100 accounts or users

I wasn’t on a channel, why am I now on J.P. Morgan Access®?

Pre- integration, single action products did not need a platform a lot of the times. However, post- integration, you need a platform connected to an account to be able to use the product.

EXAMPLE: Positive Pay. Pre- integration, no profile was needed, however, post- integration a channel is needed.

I don’t want a profile. Can I not have it?

If there is need for a specific product, dependent on that product then a profile may be necessary.

List of Products by user will be provided in order to help guide what products need an online profile.

Can I be the only 1 SA?

While we can set up a profile with only 1 SA, it is highly inadvisable and requires an additional waiver for assuming the security risk of having the online profile set up with only one individual that approves transactions. Wherever possible, we should encourage you to have multiple SAs.

However, if you are a sole proprietorship, etc. this may be the only choice and the documentation specialist will be able to send the necessary forms along with a waiver for you to sign.

Image Cash Letter (ICL)

Will I be able to see my deposited check images online post integration?

Unfortunately, your check images for items deposited through the JPMorgan Chase Image Cash Letter are not available online post integration. You will need to contact your vendor if you would like to see image details.

How do I see my deposits online?

Post integration, your deposit will be visible in the J.P. Morgan Access® online portal and it will be reflected in your account with a description of "Image Cash Letter Deposit".

When will the deposited funds be available with JPMorgan Chase’s Image Lash Letter?

Post integration, your deposited funds will be available in 1-2 days. However, if your deposit has “on-us items”, which includes Chase and First Republic routing numbers, you will receive same-day funds availability.

Are Third Party Deposits into my account allowed?

Unfortunately, JPMorgan Chase Image Cash Letter does not allow Third Party Deposits unless a Third-Party Agreement has been executed.

Can I deposit foreign checks?

Post integration, all Image Cash Letter deposits must be drawn on US Dollars and may not contain any deposits sent from, originating from, or scanned outside of the U.S or Puerto Rico.

What is the daily cut off post integration?

Post integration, your deposit X9 files must be received by 10pm Eastern Time.

How would I be notified of Check Returns post integration?

Post integration, by default, JPMorgan Chase will send paper mail notifications for deposited Check Returns. However, if you have alternative instructions on file, such as email or fax, then JPMorgan Chase will mirror the current set up.

How are deposit adjustments handled post integration?

Post integration, our JPMorgan Chase Research and Adjustment team will debit the DDA in question and post the adjustment details. Also, our team will mail a systemically created notification to the account address on file. If more clarification is needed, you can contact your relationship team and provide them with the ESDS case number in the details of the DDA adjustment.

How would I be notified of a successful file transmission post integration?

Post integration, through the Image Cash Letter onboarding process, our implementation managers will update your profile with file confirmation notification preferences. These are delivered via email or XML file transfer.

How would I be notified of image quality failures (NCIs) post integration?

Post integration, for any new image quality failures, you will be notified by email to the contact on file. We will update your profile with image quality failure contact name and email during the onboarding process.

If the image quality does not meet acceptable standards, then an email notification will be delivered to the contact on file and the check or checks will need to be rescanned. (This applies only to new images after integration to JPMorgan Chase.

Historical hFRC images will be available on hFRC platform until end of the year).

How would I be notified of Duplicate Items post integration?

Post integration, if you have duplicate items, you will be notified by email to the contact on file. We will update your profile with image quality failure contact name and email during the onboarding process. If an item is deposited, and JPMorgan Chase determines that this is a duplicate, then the item will be rejected, and an email notification will be sent to the contact on file.

Who do I contact if my Image Cash Letter Deposit is missing?

In the case of a missing cash letter deposit, please contact us (integration support team) and be prepared to provide the following information:

  • our Name (e.g. IBM)

  • Contact name and phone number (e.g. IBM)

  • Account number

  • Deposit or Transmission date

  • Dollar amount of the deposit

  • Time the deposit was submitted and/or received

  • Routing or Transit number

  • Specific request information

Then our internal partners can research the file in question and get back to you.

How will I be notified of deposit adjustments post integration?

Post integration, our JPMorgan Chase Research and Adjustment team will debit the DDA in question and post the adjustment details with an accompanying ESDS reference. Also, our team will mail a systemically created notification to the account address on file.

Is my vendor required to make any changes to the file post integration?

Yes, post integration, your vendor will need to make format changes to the deposit X9 file to meet JPMorgan Chase’s standard file format standards. All vendors have been notified regarding this change.

Has my vendor been notified that changes are needed to my current file format?

Yes, introductory vendor and user notifications were sent out the week of January 15th, 2024. These included the correct JPMorgan Chase Image Cash Letter X9 file specs.

Through the integration onboarding process, our JPMorgan Chase implementations group will work with vendors directly to test the needed file changes to successfully leverage the Image Cash Letter product.

Am I required to have J.P. Morgan Access® for Image Cash Letter?

No, you are not required to be on J.P. Morgan Access® for Image Cash Letter.


What is changing for me regarding Liquidity products post integration?

Post integration, you will have access your business and personal accounts separately. Additionally, you may see changes in the format of statements, and availability of products and/or product features.

What do I have to do for continued cash concentration and money market mutual fund service?

1. For Agents Deposits Accounts (ADAC) accounts, prior to integration, we require evidence of the existence of the Principal. As such, you will need to submit a W8 or W9 form.

2. For our cash concentration and money market mutual fund sweep users, we must receive your executed terms with a properly completed Schedule so that a comparable account can be opened and that we know how to manage your funds.

3. For Demand Deposit Account (DDA), please be aware that the terms and conditions are being updated.

4. For Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or “ERISA” in short, please be aware that ERISA-specific account terms and ERISA disclosures may apply to Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans and subject to a high degree of Product and Service restrictions. Additionally, ERISA-specific account terms may apply.

5. For IOLTA, please note that IOLTA accounts should never be overdrawn. In the event an overdraft occurs, the Bank must report it to the state bar. Illinois and New York states are subject to a $15 monthly service fee, debited from interest earned. Also, overdraft protection will be discontinued. Product and Service restrictions may apply.

6. For Escrow, you will receive physical mailings which will reference JPMorgan Chase Escrow staff as contact.

7. For Earnings Credit Rate (ECR), please be aware of several changes including statement format and fee calculations. The current standard ECR rate is 1.75%. You should review the Account Analysis statement guide to get familiar with the format of the Account Analysis statement.

8. For Money Market Funds (MMF), there are differences between First Republic and JPMorgan Chase MMF programs, please review the new Service Terms prior to investing in money market funds with JPMorgan Chase. Kindly look out for more information from our end.

9. For Mortgage Service Account, you may need to confirm purpose of the account if Bank is not able to identify the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Bank or equivalent and type of loan payment funds being collected. Kindly look out for more information from our end.

10.For Political Action Committee (PAC), please note that this is a type of account only available for US entities and the account CANNOT be opened for political committees established in Massachusetts. PAC accounts are only opened for PACs that are “connected” to a Sponsoring Organization that is a customer with an active or prospective CIB relationship. PAC-specific account terms and restrictions may apply.

11. For Segregated Deposit Accounts (SDA), please note that first, the Primary account will become an Analyzed Account. You will receive a combined statement which includes the primary account and all subaccounts. However, certain Treasury Services, including Cash Concentration, are restricted for subaccounts. Onboarding of subaccount beneficial owners requires the collection of a W8/W9. SDA-specific account terms apply. You may access JPMorgan Chase’s Electronic Specialty Account Portal (ESAP) to self-serve, manage, and view SDA structures.

12. For Tenant Lease Security (TLS), you will be integrated to Segregated Deposit Accounts (SDA)

Will I incur overdraft fees post integration?

Yes. As per arranged and casual overdraft protection, you will incur a fee for overdrafts post integration. Depending upon the product, you may be charged a per day overdraft fee or a per item fee. If you are charged a per day fee, you will be charged a daily overdraft interest charge as well.

Are there impacts to Deposit Account Controls Agreements (DACAs) / Blocked Account control agreements (BACA) post integration?

Per Blocked Account control agreements, hFRB DACAs will continue to be supported by JPMorgan Chase’s dedicated team for DACAs and Blocked Accounts post integration.

How will my statements be affected due to integration?

Upon integration of your liquidity product, you will begin to receive JPMorgan Chase statements and not hFRB statements. Key changes include only receiving front image of checks as part of your statement, seeing new product names that aligns with JPMorgan Chase terminology, and display of daily balances. You may also see new interest rate tiers on which interest is calculated and if you have interest bearing accounts, you will receive an interest statement reflecting amount of interest paid in addition to your normal statement.

Also please note that special handling of bank statements is no longer supported. This includes overnight mailing, email of bank statement, combining multiple statements in one package.

What is Physical Cash Concentration?

Physical Cash Concentration provides automated consolidation of cash from multiple accounts into a single account of the same or different currency, increasing visibility and control of our users liquidity. The solution improves working capital by reducing idle balances, deficits and overdraft fees, while allowing more control over a centralized investment policy.

What are some of the key benefits of Cash Concentration Services?

Centralize cash with control – Concentrate balances into a header account(s) with options to setup sweeps in a wide range of configurations.

Enhance efficiency – Improve operational risk through automating manual transfers whilst enabling Treasurers to utilize their internal cash and manage working capital efficiently.

Full suite of capabilities – Service can be offered with other value add solutions including Intercompany Loan Reporting & Administration.

What are some of the variants of Physical Cash Concentration Products?

The most common form of cash concentration is the In–Country / Domestic Sweep that moves balances between accounts held in the same location and currency.

The other sweep variants are:

a) Cross Border Sweep – cash concentration between accounts held in different locations

b) Cross Currency Sweep – cash concentration between accounts held in different currencies

c) Multibank Sweep – cash concentration between accounts held in different banks

d) Just-in-time Funding – automated funding of payments from a central account prior to payment release via an intraday transfer

Who can participate in cash concentration?

Both single entity and multi-entity user can set-up cash concentration. For multi-entity structures, the participating entities must be affiliates under common control or ownership.

What are some of the different functionalities that can be configured to execute the sweep?

Below are some of the sweep functionalities available for flexible configuration are:

a) Sweep Type

b) Sweep Direction

c) Sweep Execution Time

d) Sweep Frequency

e) Balance Type

f) Automatic Back Valuation

g) Reverse Sweep

What are the different Sweep Types I can use?

Sweep Type defines the preferred balance and transfer calculation method. The options available to you are:

a) Zero Balance – establishes zero balance on the participant account after the sweep

b) Target Balance - establishes the set target balance on the participant account after the sweep.

c) Threshold Balance - establishes the set maximum or minimum threshold on the participant account after the sweep

d) Fixed Amount – transfers a fixed amount every time sweep executes

e) Percentage – transfers a percentage of the calculated sweep amount

What are the different Sweep Direction options available?

Sweep Direction defines the flow of fund transfer between accounts. The options available to you are:

a) Two-way - either pull or push funds to bring the balance of the participant account to zero, target balance, minimum threshold or maximum threshold

b) One-way from Master Account - pull funds from the master account to credit the participant account if the balance of the participant account is less than the zero, target balance or minimum threshold

c) One-way to Master Account - push funds from participant account to credit the master account if the balance of the participant account is greater than the zero, target balance or maximum threshold

When are sweeps executed?

Sweep Execution Time defines when the transfer occurs. The options available to you are:

a) End of day - sweep executes as the last transaction of the day as part of the branch end of day processing

b) Intraday – sweep executes at the scheduled time during the day as set by the you

How often can I sweep between accounts?

Sweep frequency defined the occurrences of transfer execution. The most common sweep frequencies are:

a) Daily

b) Weekly

c) Monthly

d) Calendar date: e.g. 30th of the month

e) Business date: 1st or last business day only

f) Quarterly

g) Custom

What happens when sweep day falls on a Non- Business Day?

The Non-Business Day Option defines the action to be taken when a non-daily sweep falls on a non-business day. The available options are:

a) Sweep on the Prior Business Day

b) Sweep on the Next Business Day

c) Skip Execution

What balance type is considered in the calculation of sweep amount?

Balance Type defines the treatment of float in relation to the balance used in sweep calculation. The available options are:

a) Collected Balance – cleared or available balance

b) Ledger Balance – actual balance that includes float or uncleared transactions

What is automatic back valuation?

Automatic Back Valuation creates back-valued cash concentration transfers to target-balance accounts with back-value adjustments. It prevents overdraft or unconsolidated balances from a back-value adjustment or transaction.

How does the reverse sweep functionality work?

Reverse Sweep reverses the prior-day concentration transfer as the first transaction of the next business day.

What is ZBA-Set-up?

ZBA Set-up is the standard cash concentration set-up with the following parameters:

a) Sweep Type – Zero or target Balance

b) Sweep Direction – Two-way

c) Target Balance – Zero or Target Amount

d) Sweep Execution Time – End of Day

e) Balance Type – Ledger Balance

f) Automatic Back Valuation – Enabled

g) Reverse Sweep – No

Do accounts in a Cash Concentration structure share balances?

In the absence of an intraday line, accounts set-up in cash concentration automatically share balances.

Can Virtual Accounts participate in a Cash Concentration structure?

Yes, virtual accounts can be included in a cash concentration structure.

Can Sweep Amendment and Execution be done via API?

Yes, the functionality to amend certain sweep parameters and execute sweep via API is supported.

Are there any restrictions on accounts that can be included in Physical Cash Concentration?

Yes. Money Accounts (CMA) and Blocked Account Agreements (BACA) in combination with Physical Cash Concentration are restricted.

Please engage Liquidity Product when offering such combination.

Are there any prohibitions on accounts that can be included in Physical Cash Concentration?

Yes. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Accounts and Political Action Committee (PAC) / Political Committee Accounts (PCA) in combination with Physical Cash Concentration are prohibited.

Is Intercompany Reporting service available?

Yes, Intercompany Reporting and Administration is available. This supplementary service that tracks the movement of transfers (intercompany loans) and net positions between accounts participating in physical cash concentration structures. Credit and debit interest rates are used to calculate and accrue related party interest, which can be physically settled to accounts.

What documentation is required to set-up Physical Cash Concentration?

Executing the Cash Concentration Service Terms is required to set-up a cash concentration structure. You will be required to sign the terms any time you add a new account to the structure.

Why can’t we use existing cash concentration setup with Money Market Fund (MMF) Accounts?

MMF’s offering works differently at JPMorgan Chase. Your funds are invested directed from an operating demand deposit account (DDA) with different eligibility, minimums, fees, and accessibility, etc.

You have to select an alternate Master Account for their physical cash concentration structure.

Once we select an alternate DDA, how would our MMF position be invested?

Before integrating to JPMorgan Chase, First Republic will be redeeming your MMF position (principal and dividend) and closing the MMF account. The redeemed MMF position will transfer into their DDA to prepare for the transition.

Why do I need to sign new MMF agreement with JPMorgan Chase?

JPMorgan Chase does not offer like-for-like MMFs functionality as First Republic.

JPMorgan Chase MMFs have different eligibility, minimums, fees, and accessibility across Line of Businesses.

Additionally, JPMorgan Chase General Accounts Terms and Disclosures need to be agreed to in order to access MMFs at JPMorgan Chase.

What is required by me for the Document Collection process?

You are required to sign and return all required Document Collection documentation to have a MMF account open post integration.

MMF documentation requires will be send directly to you by the integration team via DocuSign.

MMF service terms for Direct Invest are due April 26th and the MMF service terms for EOD and Intraday sweep are due May 17th.

Who will help me to complete the JPMorgan Chase MMF service terms?

The JPMorgan Chase integration team will act in an administrative capacity and prefill the Schedule A of the MMF service terms with a like-for-like fund. You have the option to choose an alternative fund/share class if they would prefer.

If you wish to explore alternative fund/share class, please work with your integration contact to engage Line of Business solution team.

Banker engagement is not required to help complete the service terms.

What happens if I don’t sign the service terms?

First Republic will redeem MMF principal and earned dividend balances and transfer to the corresponding deposit account prior to integration.

Those who missed the deadline for returning the MMF service terms can explore opening a MMF account post-integration by working with their JPMorgan Chase Banker BAU post integration.

MMF service terms for Direct Invest must be completed in good order by April 26th and EOD and Intraday Sweep service terms by May 17th for a MMF to be open at JPMorgan Chase post integration.

Additionally, post integration the Line of Business Liquidity Product Management Team can help explore additional solutions, including deposit solutions.

Are there fees to invest in MMFs at JPMorgan Chase?

JPMorgan Chase charges a monthly service fee for automated sweep only. The fees differ by Line of Business and are subject to change.

What are the available programs to access MMFs at JPMorgan Chase?

JPMorgan Chase offers several sweep and investment options to invest cash.

First is End-of-Day (EOD) Sweep. Based on pre-determined operating account target balance and investment cap, an end-of-day automatic investment can be made into MMFs. This option is open to JPMorgan Chase domestic and offshore MMFs only and select share classes.

Second is Intraday Sweep. Based on the user-determined operating account target balance, cash balances are automatically rebalanced each business day via subscription into or redemption from a designated MMF.

Third is Direct Invest, which offers consolidated liquidity management tool for near real-time visibility, trade initiation and self-administration.

How does the End-of-Day (EOD) sweep program work?

End-of-Day MMF sweeps provide the ability to maximize the value of low, stable balances that remain in a DDA at end of day.

Your investment is debited from your operating DDA as the last transaction of the business day (after all debits and credits including Cash Con) based upon the target balance.

Principal is returned to the linked deposit account the next day business at 9:30am ET. The MMF principal is unavailable to access until returned.

Dividends pay monthly the first business day of the following month.

To best manage the regulatory and economic impact created by providing access to an automated sweep, End-of-Day requires a floating investment cap.

What is the floating investment cap?

The floating investment cap in the End-of-Day MMF sweep program is the minimum amount guaranteed to sweep from your deposit account into the MMF investment end of day.

Funds in the checking account in excess of the investment cap will sweep on a best efforts basis only.

In order to provide you with intraday liquidity, the Bank pre-buys shares while Funds are open, using an algorithm driven by the sum of investment caps for each fund/share class. At the end of day, shares are allocated to accounts.

You are guaranteed a share amount equal to the floating cap, but may be allocated shares up to the full account balance above the balance selected to remain in the DDA.

The funding investment bank helps reduce the position of unallocated shares held by the Bank which has a regulatory and economic impact to JPMorgan Chase.

Am I suitable for EOD sweep?

Due to the pre-buy process, users that have stable balances seeking the operational simplicity of an automated sweep is the most suitable for End-of-Day sweep.

What are the available funds and shares classes for EOD MMFs?

For End-of-Day Sweep share class available:

  • Agency share class has $5MM prospectus minimum investment and $25MM minimum investment for J.P. Morgan EOD Sweep.

  • Premier share class has $1MM prospectus minimum investment and $15MM minimum investment for J..P Morgan EOD Sweep.

  • Morgan share class has $1,000 prospectus minimum investment and $1,000 minimum investment for J.P. Morgan EOD Sweep.

Why are the share classes minimums on EOD Sweep different than those listed in the prospectus?

Share class minimums for the End-of-Day Sweep are defined in the sweep agreement and are higher than those listed in the prospectus due to the operational costs / complexities associated with the service.

Why is EOD Sweep limited to the Morgan, Premier, and Agency share class?

Due to operational costs / complexities associated with the pre-buy process, higher share classes are not offered with the EOD Sweep. Users who qualify for the Institutional or Capital share classes may invest through the Intraday sweep or Direct Invest.

How does the Intraday sweep program work?

The Intraday program sweeps to funds offered by JPMorgan Chase Asset Management and seven other providers. You have access to an expanded list of fund options and share classes.

Intraday sweep, is a fully automated sweep through which you can invest directly from their operating DDA. The sweep is a net purchase or redemption and the MMF principal is returned to the DDA account only when DDA balance falls below the target balance.

Based on the determined operating account target balance set in the DDA, cash balances are automatically rebalanced each business day via subscription into or redemption from a designated MMF.

The Intraday investment occurs at the JPMorgan Chase cutoff time, one hour prior to the fund cutoff. Once locked for investment, you cannot access funds until next business day.

If a redemption is needed, request to change their target balance or add Payment Queue up. Redemptions occur 10 to 15 minutes after the JPMorgan Chase cutoff time.

Dividends pay monthly on the first business day of the following month.

Am I suitable for Intraday Sweep?

Users with larger, more volatile balances seeking an automated sweep solution to invest their cash is the most suitable for Intraday Sweep.

What fund families are available with Intraday Sweep?

Intraday sweep is open to JPMorgan Chase funds and third-party MMFs, across all available share classes.

  • JPMorgan Chase

  • Black Rock

  • Dreyfus

  • Fidelity

  • Federated

  • Goldman Sachs

  • Invesco

  • Morgan Stanley

What is a target balance and why is it needed for an Intraday Sweep?

A Target balance is the amount of money that remains in the DDA to cover wires/other transactions as MMF principal is not automatically returned to the DDA daily.

Intraday Sweeps require a sufficient target balance or Payment Queue-up to ensure you have enough funds to cover intraday transactions.

What is Payment Queue-up?

Payment Queue-up allow JPMorgan Chase to cover pending wire or transactions by automatically redeeming funds from the MMF’s to the DDA without a Target balance change instructions for you.

What is Direct Invest?

Direct Invest is for those seeking to control and manage their investments.

Direct Invest is available through the J.P. Morgan Access® Liquidity Solutions MMFs portal, which offers you a simple and intuitive user interface to make investment decisions easier.

You can invest directly in MMFs offered by some of the leading MMF providers.

Trades are processed by you within the J.P. Morgan Access® Liquidity Solutions portal through Investment Initiation or Redemption Initiation.

With Investment Initiation, you can:

  • Actively invest in multiple funds, with multiple providers, from a single DDA, and

  • Submit trades up to 30 minutes prior to the fund’s cut-off time.

  • Also, redemption proceeds are normally returned to deposit account within 30 minutes of submission for stable NAV funds

For Redemption Initiation:

  • When redeeming, you can see all redeemable positions in portfolio on a single screen.

  • You can also enter redemptions to one or more positions in account from the Redeem Screen.

  • And similar to Investment Initiation, the Redeem Screen displays Next NAV Strike Cut-off and Fund Cut-off, along with a countdown until the next NAV strike allowing you to track trading deadlines more efficiently.

Sophisticated reporting allows customization of data needs with available history up to 13 months. You can access Daily Activity Report, Positions Report, and Rate History Monthly Money Market Fund Activity Report.

Workflow security ensures trades initiated by one user are approved by a second, adding controls and reducing the risk of keying errors.

Additionally, Self-service entitlement administration capabilities allow Security Administrators to self-administer entitlement accounts, functions, and more as needed.

Am I suitable for Direct Invest?

Users looking to control their investments, including with larger, more volatile balances are most suitable for Direct Invest.

What fund complex families and funds are available through Direct Invest?

Similarly to Intraday sweep, Direct Invest is open to JPMorgan Chase funds and third-party MMFs, across all available share classes.

  • JPMorgan Chase

  • Black Rock

  • Dreyfus

  • Fidelity

  • Federated

  • Goldman Sachs

  • Invesco

  • Morgan Stanley

Where can I see the investment objective of funds?

You can review fund prospectus and SAI to understand the underlying investments permitted for the fund. You will receive a link to as part of the Document Collection process.

How will I receive my sweep statement and what is the frequency?

If you invest in End-of-Day or Intraday sweep, you will receive their sweep statement by mail on a monthly bases.

If you prefer to receive your sweep statement electronically, you should contact your Banker post transition for options available in your Line of Business.

If you invest through J.P. Morgan Access® Liquidity Solutions, you can elect to receive your sweep statement electronically and or by mail. On demand customable reports are also available.

What is the benefit in investing in a MMF at JPMorgan Chase vs a brokerage account?

JPMorgan Chase users can invest in a MMF directly from their operating DDA, a separate brokerage account is not required.

Users set up with J.P. Morgan Access® can set up MMF investments automatically or conducted manually. Real Time reporting on cash and investment position are also available.


I noticed the location of my lockbox will move to a different city (or state). Can I keep my existing address?

We understand the importance of well-positioned locations to maximize deposit timelines. Although your PO Box address is changing, we assure you that we have designed our network to ensure sites are strategically placed for optimal service and resiliency.

Can I have a courier service transport mail from my existing location?

After May 24th we will have mail forwarded for 90 days from the existing PO Box to the new address PO Box location.

We do not plan to transport mail to your new PO Box location beyond August 24th 2024. We believe this approach is in the best interest for you , including your business. This decision is rooted in our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of control and security in our mail handling processes.

Can I have my new PO Box Address sooner than May 1?

This is more of an advanced notice so that you can prepare you tech teams and vendors to make the change when the address is available. May 1st was selected to ensure mail is not re-routed before integration weekend. To offset any additional time required to make these changes, after May 24th we will have mail forwarded for 90 days from the existing PO Box.

What is changing for Lockbox?

We will be changing physical locations as we are moving away from hFRB locations. We will be integrating you to one of the five JPMorgan Chase US lockbox locations.

As a result, your lockbox city may change. The following chart shows the locations where First Republic lockboxes will integrate.

JPMorgan Chase lockbox location
First Republic lockbox location
Brooklyn, New York
Boston, New York, Pittsburgh
Chicago, IL
Dallas, Texas
Atlanta, Kansas City, Miami
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, San Francisco
Tempe, Arizona

When is it happening, including timing of integration waves and any related key events?
  • On May 24th 2024, we will begin forwarding your mail to your JPMorgan Chase lockbox.

  • We’ll automatically forward any mail from your hFRB lockbox to the new one for 90 days.

  • We strongly recommend updating remittance address before July 31 to avoid any delays in receipt of payment.

  • Effective August 24, any mail received at the First Republic lockbox address will be returned to sender.

  • Completion of integrations (when mail is all received at JPM): 8/31/24.

What do I have to do (for continued service on Lockbox)?
  • All lockbox users are advised to update PO Box address, beginning May 24. To achieve this timeline, you should have resources and action plan prepared to update remittance address.

  • Once you have received your lockbox remittance address, take action to update your lockbox remittance address in all places where you have published your lockbox remittance address (e.g., billing statements, websites, automated phone systems, etc.). We strongly recommend completing these updates before July 31 to avoid any payment delays. Effective August 24, any mail received at the previous First Republic lockbox address will be returned to sender.

  • Attend online training and review the Receivables Online user guide. (We will share additional communication for trainings).

  • Be aware that you cannot make changes to existing lockbox at hFRB while JPMorgan Chase implements the new lockbox.

  • Important to note - Any new changes after March won’t be carried over to the new lockbox at JPMorgan Chase.

  • The new lockbox address may include a new city. By May, you’ll need to accept the new lockbox location or close lockbox service with hFRB. We understand the inconvenience but it is not possible to continue lockbox service from old physical location.

What is the impact if I am unable or unwilling to integrate?

JPMorgan Chase understands that a new location is inconvenient for you to continue lockbox service with JPMorgan Chase after integration. In that case:

  • You will stop receiving lockbox payments when mail forwarding expires. Effective August 24, any mail received at the previous First Republic lockbox address will be returned to sender.

  • Important to note - Any new changes after March won’t be carried over to the new lockbox at JPMorgan Chase.

Do I need to take any training prior to integration?

Yes, we will share online training and online user guide. Training will begin starting in April. We will share more details via email and phone regarding training schedule.

When can I expect to receive additional communication regarding Lockbox integration requirements?

You will begin receiving email communication with additional information beginning mid-February and our team will be available to support you if you have any questions.

What is the benefit for me to have JPMorgan Chase lockbox the integration?
  • JPMorgan Chase has robust reporting and exception management capabilities, optional weekend processing, and a wholly-owned lockbox solution that allows JPMorgan Chase to offer more customized solutions to fit your business' needs.

  • JPMorgan Chase’s Lockbox with Receivables Online offers a comprehensive collection system that can assist you with processing incoming receipts and updating your accounts receivable systems.

  • Rely on stable processing workflow and disaster recovery with our network of fully redundant locations and around-the-clock monitoring.

Lockbox Transaction Archive
  • For lockbox items processed on or before May 24, 2024 you can continue to use the First Republic web portal to view 6 months’ of transaction history.

  • You will lose access to view historical First Republic transactions on November 25, 2024.

  • If you would like to retain their First Republic transaction history for longer, you may download their transaction history before November 25, 2024.

  • For lockbox items processed after May 24, 2024 you can view their long term (10 years) transaction history via J.P. Morgan’s Receivables Online web portal.

Lockbox Transaction Management
  • You are currently subscribed to an optional service that allows you to suspend, enrich, and decision lockbox exception items. Instead of this service, we will enable your new lockbox at J.P. Morgan with a similar exception management service called Supplemental Data Enrichment. This service will allow you to add additional invoice information, mirroring your data entry instructions, after items have been processed by lockbox.

  • The main difference between our Supplemental Data Enrichment service and your current exception management tool, is that you will be able to add invoice information after they have been processed by lockbox.

  • While J.P. Morgan offers a more robust lockbox exception management tool called Decision Manager, it requires additional scoping discussions and customization and can be added to your lockbox after May 24. Please refer to the attached Receivables Online and Decision Manager user guides to learn more about our Supplemental Data Enrichment and Decision Manager services.

Remote Deposit Capture (RDC)

What is Remote Deposit Capture?

Remote Deposit Capture is a fully integrated remote capture solution which is built on our innovative, internet-based receivables management tool, Receivables Online. Remote Deposit Capture allows you to scan checks and full-page documents from your desktop or mobile device and electronically send the images to the bank for deposit.

How does Remote Deposit Capture work?
  • All you need is a JPMorgan Chase approved Remote Deposit Capture scanner connected to a computer with an Internet connection or a supported mobile device to scan checks. Once you’re logged in to Receivables Online, place your checks and documents in the scanner or take a picture of the front and back of the item from your mobile device, select Capture or any other available user specific options, validate the images and transmit the electronic images to J.P. Morgan.

  • If you make a check deposit through a mobile device, Remote Deposit Capture Mobile can be accessed through MobileSM. All transactions are viewable through Receivables Online.

  • For Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) users, you may scan up to 999 transactions in a single batch scanning 50 items at a time. Deposits received before your determined business-day cutoff times are credited on the same business day. When J.P. Morgan receives your transaction, a transaction status will be assigned, first acknowledging its arrival and then processing. Check and document images are stored online for accurate and efficient record keeping.

What are the advantages of Remote Deposit Capture?
  • Capture images of checks and full-page remittance and/or scannable documents with ease.

  • Reduce courier fees and time spent preparing deposit packages or making trips to the bank.

  • Optimize funds availability.

  • Avoid the need to purchase software applications.

  • Expedite deposits for incoming payments and improve straight-through processing (STP) by eliminating manual posting.

  • Consolidate all receivables transactions (e.g., check, ACH, wire, Remote Deposit Capture) into a single repository in Receivables Online.

  • Access images and data 24/7 using the Receivables Online centralized, long-term archive.

Do I need to take any training prior to integration?

We will provide information regarding training starting April 1st 2024. You should arrange for a training session on how to navigate Receivables Online in early to mid-May.

What is the benefit for me to have JPMorgan Chase RDC?

There are many benefits to having a JPMorgan Chase RDC.

  • First, you will have later deadlines available and will gain JPM/Chase as on-us items for accelerated funds availability. As well as 10 years of archive on Receivables Online.

  • Additionally, you can remotely scan your checks directly in Receivables Online and have newly scanned checks stored within JPM.

What is changing for RDC post integration?
  • Currently hFRC offers Remote Deposit Capture Mobile and Remote Deposit Capture Desktop product to Consumers and Corporate users.

  • When we integrate you to JPMorgan Chase, we will need to integrate you to Remote Deposit Capture, or you can self-enroll in Chase Quick Deposit Classic or Chase Quick Deposit Mobile. (we will share additional details on self-enrolment in coming weeks.

  • Corporate users who use other Treasury products or have higher volumes will be integrated to Remote Deposit Capture.

  • Individuals and users with low check scan volumes or no other Treasury products at hFRC will be able to self-enroll in Chase Quick Deposit Classic or Mobile.

Key changes:

  • Existing hFRC users will not be able to use their existing scanners, and will need to purchase one from Superior Press (vendor). These specific users will be notified on how to obtain a new scanner. (We will share email with instructions to order new scanners starting April)

  • Mac O/S Certification is not available.

  • Some users will be mobile only.

When is the timeline for integration relating to RDC?
  • Integration will occur over the weekend of May 24, 2024.

  • You can begin making deposits through the RDC product on May 28, 2024.

  • Targeted users will receive notice on how to order a scanner beginning April 1, 2024.

  • You should arrange for a training session on how to navigate Receivables Online in early to Mid-May (more information on that will be shared in coming weeks).

Can I still initiate new or add Remote Deposit Capture (RDC)?

If you are a new user, you will not be allowed to enroll onto this service. New users who are qualified to enroll must be implemented before March 15, 2024.

If you already have an established RDC, you can add new DDAs or locations to existing Presenters or perform user maintenance if the requests are received and implemented before March 15, 2024. Allow the implementation team up to 3 business days to complete your request.

Can I use my current scanner at JPMorgan Chase post integration? (Desktop only)

No, you will need to replace your current scanner for post integration because your current scanner will is not compatible with JPMorgan Chase Receivables Online. JPMorgan Chase will provide you with link and instructions on how to order a new Panini EverneXt scanner. These orders will be placed through our preferred vendor, Superior Press, and will be shipped to you directly.

Can I use my new scanner at JPMorgan Chase with Mac O/S post integration?

Although Macs are not certified to JPMorgan Chase’s Receivables Online platform, you may have success with your new scanner post integration. However, JPMorgan Chase will be unable to provide technical support if you are using Mac O/S.

How do I order a new scanner?

Our preferred vendor, Superior Press, has a hosted site to make the scanner purchase supporting the integration. Select users have been sent coupon codes and the code does not apply to ALL integrating RDC users. Users that have received coupons codes should be directed to the following link to order the new Panini EverneXt Scanner(s). FAQs and how to place your order for the users that have received coupon codes will be directed to this site: https://secure.superiorpress.com/CSL/conversion.aspx

All other users that have not received a coupon code can utilize this site to order a Panini EverneXt scanner: https://secure.superiorpress.com/CSL/jpm.aspx

How long will it take to receive the scanner?

The estimated shipping timeline is approximately 3-5 business days.

Am I obligated to return and scanners previously provided by First Republic?

No, JPMorgan Chase is not requiring you to return your previously provided scanners provided by First Republic.

Will the new scanner(s) be easy to install?

Yes, upon receipt of the scanner you will need to connect your Panini EverneXt scanner to your computer via USB cable. The scanner should automatically download the necessary driver(s). Please refer to the scanner installation guide as needed. The scanner software can be download via Receivables Online as well.

*Link to the full scanner install guide is located here.

How long can I view information about my submitted deposits post integration?

You may view data and images using a variety of reports post integration. With the Remote Deposit Capture, Capture History search, you can view actual images of your documents for 14 calendar days. You can view detailed data (but not images) for 92 calendar days using this search application. However, the Receivables Online Transaction History allows you to view detailed information (e.g., data and images) about a deposited transaction for up to 10 years through the long-term archive. If long term archiving is needed please contact your relationship team post integration.

When am I able to scan my remote deposit items?

You can begin scanning starting May 28th, 2024. Once live, deposits may be submitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The standard daily cut off time is 10pm ET.

How many transactions can I include in a single scan post integration?

Post integration, you can scan up to 999 transactions in a single batch scanning 50 items at a time. Once submitted, transactions will be batched based on your current program instructions.

What is the maximum value of check payments allowed for deposit post integration?

Post integration, the dollar amount must be less than or equal to $99,999,999.99 in U.S. dollars currency only.

Can multiple deposits be submitted each day post integration?

Yes, you may submit multiple deposits each day post integration.

Do I need to use paper deposit slips post integration?

No, paper deposit slips are not necessary post integration. Remote Deposit Capture creates an electronic deposit record automatically for each deposit.

For post integration, if MICR information is not captured or captured incorrectly, can I modify it?

Yes, post integration, if the remitter bank, remitter account and check number from the MICR line of the check is not captured correctly by the scanner, you can edit the details on the Remote Deposit Capture Entry page before submitting to the bank.

For Remote Deposit Capture users, the user must edit the MICR line in the details section of the Remote Deposit Capture Entry page, before submitting the transaction. You must click “Save & Continue” for each line item that you edit, changes will not be saved unless you click “Save & Continue ”.

Do checks have to be endorsed before scanning post integration?

Yes, post integration, you should endorse all checks prior to deposit to reduce the chance of check returns however it is not required by JPMorgan Chase. Through the Remote Deposit Capture process we will virtually endorse the back of the check before the item is presented for clearing.

Can I add reference information at the point of scan?
  • Yes, there is a standard reference field where information can be added. This field can contain up to 50 alphanumeric characters. The entered data in the field will stay with the transaction for its life cycle. It will be available in Receivables Online reporting and can be included in a data transmission. In addition to the standard reference field, RDC users can also add up to 10 additional unique reference fields (i.e. Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Discount Amount, etc.).

  • JPMorgan Chase will be working with the legacy First Republic vendor to incorporate any data fields previously leveraged pre-integration into the Remote Deposit Capture profile. If you would like to add/delete/modify these fields please reach out to your relationship team post integration for support.

Can I export, save and print images of my deposited items?

Yes, post integration, deposited items can be exported and in bulk in either TIFF or PDF formats. Images can be printed individually or in bulk using the Transaction History functionality under the Search tab in Receivables Online.

Post integration, what is the cutoff time for check scanning to be considered same day deposit?

Post integration, same day processing cutoff is 10pm ET for Remote Deposit Capture.

Post integration, how will I know if there is a problem with a check that was scanned?

Post integration, you can set up capture notifications to alert you when an item is in one of the two following statuses:

  • Action Required

  • Rejected

Or, you can run a Capture History search to view the status of all items scanned.

Can I submit non-USD checks?

No, JPMorgan Chase Remote Deposit Capture only supports checks drawn on U.S. Banks in USD.

(Post-integration on JPMorgan Chase platform only) I clicked “submit” after scanning, how do I know the status of the checks scanned?

After “Submit”, JPMorgan Chase Remote Deposit Capture offers the benefit of processing all checks to “Deposit” status if no further review is required. If your check needs further review, the check status will be listed accordingly. Run a Capture History search to validate check status.

What are the potential problems with a check image that may impact the ability for deposit?

The image of the entire check must be viewable. The MICR line of the check (located at the bottom of the check that contains the routing transit information of the drawee bank), courtesy amount (numeric) and the legal amount (written) must be present on the image. Any check images that are submitted with unacceptable quality are subject to be rejected by JPMorgan Chase.

How can I use the Group functionality (location IDs at First Republic)?

Yes, groups can be setup for locations, departments, etc. or used to have multiple accounts tied to a program. This allows you to setup 1 program vs. multiple programs with the ability to entitle each Group to specified user/s.

If the program is setup for groups (previously called Location IDs at First Republic) and your Security Administrators entitled the Group to the user, the group option will be displayed before clicking on “scan”. While reviewing images, the group will be prepopulated for every transaction initially scanned. The user has the option to choose a different group to assign to the transaction. If entitled, a group must be selected to submit a transaction.

When will the deposited funds be available?

JPMorgan Chase Remote Deposit Capture has a 10pm EST ledger deadline and operates on a fractional funds availability scheduled in which the majority of the deposited funds will be available next-day with the remaining available on day 2. Keep in mind that on-us items, which will include Chase and First Republic routing numbers, receive same-day funds availability.

Where will I see my deposits, after integration?

You will be able to see batch and item level details on Receivables Online. To view the DDA activity, line item postings can be viewed on J.P. Morgan Access®.

Will my reporting change?

Yes. The Reports Menu is the point of access to several Receivables Online reports related to your daily, weekly, and monthly transaction management activities. Access to Reports functionality is governed by the entitlements assigned to you by your Security Administrator (SA).

What reports are available?

The reports displayed in the “Reports by Type” menu are user-defined, allowing you to select and configure the report format based on similar search criteria for each report offered. The report criteria changes depending on the report selected from the menu. Note: Your ability to access various reports is determined by your Security Administrator. Standard reports included in the standard Remote Deposit Capture offering include the Activity Summary, Assigned to Summary, Capture Summary, Payment Detail and Transaction Summary. These will be able to be exported in CSV format.

How will reporting be delivered?

You will be able to view and download Remote Deposit Capture reports directly in Receivables Online. Format will vary based on the report with summary reports in PDF and detail reports in CSV.

Can I create custom reports?

Yes, custom reporting is optional within RDC and additional fees may apply. Please contact your relationship team if you want to review costs associated with this option post-integration.

How will I be notified of returns post integration?

Post integration, you will be notified by postal mail by default. JPMorgan Chase will send mail notifications for deposited Check Returns, however, if you have alternative instructions on file, such as email or fax, then JPMorgan Chase will mirror the current set up.

How will I be notified of deposit adjustments post integration?

Post integration, our JPMorgan Chase Research and Adjustment team will debit the DDA in question and post the adjustment details with an accompanying reference number. Also, our team will mail a systemically created notification to the account address on file.

What application will be used to make RDC Mobile check deposits post integration?

JPMorgan Chase Remote Deposit Capture Mobile leverages the J.P. Morgan Access® mobile application. Once logged into the app, users can navigate to the "Remote Capture" link or the "Deposit" icon to deposit items.

Post integration, can I edit the check if the captured details are incorrect?

Yes, post integration, on JPMorgan Chase Remote Deposit Capture Mobile you can edit the check amount before submitting the item for deposit.

Post integration, will I receive an email confirmation of my mobile check deposit?

No, JPMorgan Chase Remote Deposit Capture Mobile does not send systemic notifications via email for mobile check deposits. All deposit activity can be viewed directly on Receivables Online.

Post integration, can I leverage a tablet for mobile deposits?

Yes, JPMorgan Chase Remote Deposit Capture Mobile supports the use of tablets for mobile check deposits.

Can I make deposits to any of my non-Corporate accounts in JPMorgan Chase RDC Mobile?

No, JPMorgan Chase RDC Mobile does not allow mobile check deposits to be scanned into consumer accounts.

Where will I see my deposits, after integration?

Batch level and item level details will be available on Receivables Online post integration. To view the DDA activity, line item postings can be viewed on J.P. Morgan Access® mobile application.

Is the JPMorgan Chase application secure to use?

All transmission between J.P. Morgan Access® MobileSM and J.P. Morgan servers are via secure, encrypted messaging.

J.P. Morgan Access® MobileSM does not store your company, personal or any account information on your mobile device.

All that is stored on your device is a small application and a cookie that is part of the registration process.

As with your computer, we recommend the use of the software on your device to protect it from viruses, malware, spyware, and other threats. Should your device be lost or stolen, please contact your company’s Security Administrator to immediately deactivate your device from J.P. Morgan Access® MobileSM.

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)

What is changing for SBLC?

Your primary point of contact in hFRB for Standby Letter of Credit has been the Business Banker. However, on the JPMorgan Chase side, your primary point of contact will now be Trade and Working Capital Operations team. When you are integrated to JPMorgan Chase side, you will receive notification including details in changes to presentation locations and reference numbers.

When is it happening, including timing of integration waves and any related key events?

Trade and Working Capital Operations team will integrate you manually and include all transactions . We will support you to address any misalignment which may arise between JPMorgan Chase and FRC processes.

What do I need to do for continued SBLC service?

No action is required from you since the Trade and Working Capital Operations team will integrate you. You will receive notification that advises you on the differences between the hFRB and JPMorgan Chase references and contact points This will be part of the wider, overall communications.

Do I need to take any training prior to integration?

No you do not need to take any training as there are no actions required from you in the integration process.

Can I move my planned integration date to a later point in time? If so, how?

Unfortunately you will not be able to move the integration date. The integration will occur automatically and cannot be changed.

Prior to the integration, will I continue to be able to request Standby Letter of Credit though heritage First Republic?

If you require a new Standby Letter of Credit please approach your business banker.

Will there be a difference between the Standby Letter of Credit product at First Republic and J.P. Morgan?

There is no difference, as the Standby Letter of Credit product is standard; however J.P. Morgan has a dedicated Standby Letter of Credit team to help service you.

Will my Standby Letter of Credit instrument be integrated to J.P. Morgan?

Yes, you will receive communication once your SBLCs have been integrated.


Will I need to make connectivity changes?

Before the integration, you will continue to get your files from your existing First Republic connection. After the integration, you will need to connect to the JPMorgan Chase platform. You will be informed in advance before the connectivity change.

What changes do I need to make to my file?

It will vary based on your needs.

For some users, like those who were JPMorgan Chase users before the integration and have the ability to read a JPMorgan Chase file, the changes will be minor. For others, they will be required to make programming changes in order to read the JPMorgan Chase conversion file.

Prior to the integration date, First Republic will provide you with a integration guide that illustrates the differences between a First Republic file and a JPMorgan Chase conversion file. If requested, you can be provided a test file.

Will there be support for me during the integration process?

You can contact payments_transmissions@firstrepublic.com.

What happens if I do not make the change before the April 12 deadline?

The Payments Transmission team will reach out directly to you and work with you to take the necessary action required. Reminder emails will be sent as well.

How will I be informed about this change?

You will be notified by email from J.P. Morgan about this change.

What if I cannot load a J.P. Morgan file?

You should refer to the documentation provided by The Payments Transmission team or request a test file Once the integration has occurred, you cannot revert back to the old file format.

Will I be able to have specific customization?

You will be provided J.P. Morgan specific documentation that you must convert to before the integration.

How do I access historical data?

You will continue to have access to the First Republic platform for approximately six months after integration. It is strongly recommend that you export any BAI, MT, or CSV historical data if you wish to keep it, as the data will not be integrated to the J.P. Morgan platform.

User Trainings

How will I learn to navigate the J.P. Morgan Access® portal if I have never used it? What is J.P. Morgan Access®?

J.P. Morgan Access® is an industry-leading platform that offers an online chat function in addition to a help page that outlines FAQs, user guides and other helpful information.

We are providing live webinars to train clients on J.P. Morgan Access® that include Q&A sessions. In addition, we encourage Security Administrators to attend an orientation webinar once they’ve completed the initial webinar. We also have Access® User Guides and tutorials provided in the Access Help Center and our Quick Start Tip Sheet to help users and SAs.

Our Integration Support team is here to support you throughout the integration process.

Wire/FX Payments

What are the steps I need to take before integration to enroll in JPMorgan Chase wires product?

There are no steps to be taken before integration to enroll in J.P. Morgan Chase FX Wires Product. If you had previously transacted an FX Wire with First Republic Bank, you will be automatically onboarded and eligible to initiate a wire transaction. Although you will be automatically onboarded, you may receive a profile activation communication. Additionally, you will need to setup any FX wire templates. USD Wire templates as of May 3 will transfer to J.P. Morgan Access®. You can use these to set up payments starting May 28.

Do I need to take any training prior to integration for Wires/FX?

Online training, user guides, and FAQs will be distributed/offered. Online training will begin April 1st, 2024. You will receive details via email and phone regarding product and channel specific training.

How will I be mapped to existing J.P. Morgan platforms?

This will depend upon your line of business, how you are using the service today, and where your existing DDA account will be mapped on the new JPMorgan Chase system. You should have received, or will be receiving, communication and additional information pertaining to how JPMorgan Chase has mapped your accounts/products.

Will my historical data integrate over?

Yes, your historical and in-flight transaction and investigation cases will be integrated over the JPMorgan post integration.

Wires Payment Instructions for J.P. Morgan Access®

For instructions submitted via J.P. Morgan Access® Transactions, a payment is initiated and approved then released. Transactions can be entered manually, by using templates or by importing a file. Entitlements, managed by your Security Administrators, control which step(s) in the payment process a specific user can perform. For those clients that desire a two-step process, users can be set up with the “Auto-Approve On” entitlement and payments initiated by those users will bypass the approval step.

J.P. Morgan Access® also supports batches or files, which are initiated, approved then released. These can be manually created, created from templates or imported. Entitlements control the number of users and which step(s) in the payment process a specific user can perform. In addition to account-level entitlement control, daily and batch approval limits may be set by currency. Payroll transactions can be flagged within the system, so that only users entitled to payroll can view and approve confidential transactions.

Payments can also be approved individually for those which have been created separately and individually as urgent or non-urgent payments.

Wires – High risk considerations?

High risk rules for Wire/Book/Drawdown/Bank Draft Payment. (Account transfer is not considered High Risk and these rules do not apply)

1) Freeform payments must be Dual Control

2) Payment from template may be Single Control (one user doing Input, Approve and Release) as long as the template is Dual Control

a) For templates where you have modified 2 or more lines of Transaction Details while creating the payment will immediately require the payment to be Dual Control even if the Template is Dual Control

3) Payment from template will require Dual Control if the template is Single Control (created, approve and activated by one person).

4) If a user is given the functions to Input approve and release a payment and the above rules are not met, then you will not be able to release.

Ownership of Payments

Wires and ACH transactions are owned by the user who Created or modified the transaction.

Ownership of Templates

Templates for Wires and ACH are owned by the user who Created or Modified the Template.

Use of digital signature in wires?

Digital Signature is used for validation of your payment or template. Digital signing requires a user to re-enter your Password and Token code.

For Payments:

1) If Digital Signature setting is 1, then digital signature is on Release

2) If Digital Signature setting is 2, then signing will occur when transaction is Approved and when Transaction is Released

a) 2 distinct signatures required for Approval and Release.

For Templates:

1) If Digital Signature setting is 1, then digital signature is on Activate

2) If Digital Signature setting is 2, then signing will occur when template is Approved and when template is Activated

a) 2 distinct signatures required for Approval and Activation.

What are different types of FX Rates?

Clients onboarded to JP Morgan Access® will see an indicative rate when initiating an FX wire transaction and a final rate on their end of day balance transaction report.

Limits imposed on a User level, User/function level and an Account level
  • Default User Limits– SA’s must setup Default user limits (Administration>Security) within the system for all products that allow for payment initiation. If they do not, they will not be able to modify any existing user or create a new user.

  • User/Function Level – When creating a new user and entitling a user to a payment application, the SA can choose to impose limits for that user. If the SA does not impose limits, the system will automatically impose the default User limits .You can identify a limit imposed by that table by looking at the limit amount. If the limit amount has a * character in front of it, the limit is imposed by the Default Limit table. The SA also has the capability to override the limit table for any user by modifying the entitlements for the user and clicking LIMITS on the screen for adding or removing accounts. If the SA overrides the default limit the amount will no longer have the * in front of it. Once the SA overrides the limit it can never be moved back to the default Limit table and changes to the Default Limit Table will not apply to that function.

1) If a user has same functions both individually and by user group (even multiple user groups), the limit will be what is given individually for all wire functions

2) If a user has same functions from multiple user groups and none individually, the limit will be the lower of the two

  • Account Level - All account setup for Wire capability has an Online Account Transaction limit which is optional. To see this, go to Administration>Accounts>Products Associated. This limit can only be changed by CSO with a Deal Manager. This is the only account limit in the system

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Remember: We won't ask for confidential information such as your password, personal identification number (PIN) or other account information in a text message or email, or over the phone unless you call us about an issue, such as something to do with your account.

The information provided here is intended to help clients protect themselves from fraud and cyberfraud. It does not provide a comprehensive list of all types of fraud activities or identify all types of cybersecurity best practices. Your company or organization is responsible for determining how to best protect itself against fraud and cyberfraud and for selecting the best practices that are most appropriate to your needs.

Clients who do not use appropriate fraud-prevention tools increase their risk of losses and are liable for all losses incurred for payments originating using any authorized users’ security credentials or others who have designated transaction authority.

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