Home > J.P. Morgan Access® Quick Start Tip Sheet

J.P. Morgan Access®
Quick Start Tip Sheet

How do I reset my password?

1. From the Access login page, click Forgot Password?

2. Enter your username, then click Next.

3. Verify your identity, then click I confirm to receive your one-time PIN (OTP), only if your first name and username display correctly.

4. Select your desired option to receive your one-time PIN, then select Next.

5. Enter the one-time PIN, then click Next.

You can request a PIN as many times as you need. Security Administrators can’t provide a PIN, and neither can the Help Desk.

6. Create and confirm your new password, then click Continue. Follow the password requirements that display.

7. Enter your username, password, and token (if applicable). If you're using a security token, wait for the code to change before you click Log in.

8. Click Log in.

You are required to change your password every 90 days.

How do I entitle products to my users?

1. From the Access homepage, click the Manager tab.

2. Under Relationship Browser, users and select Create User.

3. From the user Profile page, enter the user Profile Information; the required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

4. Enter a unique Access User ID for the user and click Validate or click Suggest to view a list of suggested User IDs.

5. Select Custom Setup, then, click Next.

6. Select the product you want to add, then Add/Edit Product, you can only select one product to entitle at a time.

7. Click Next to add functions, accounts, limits (optional) and/or additional information (Company IDs, Descriptions and Services), if required. If you do not set limits here, then the default user limits for all functions, if established, will be applied to the user.

8. When your entitlements for each step are complete, click Next-Credentials, to set up user credentials.

9. Next, select a Logon Type and a Token Type.
Note 1: If the user is going to use a hardware token, select SecurID under Token Type, enter and validate the token serial number at this time.
Note 2: If the user is going to have a software token assigned, select Software SecurID under Token Type and select a Mobile phone number that can receive text messages.

10. Complete token assignments and click Next-Review, then, Submit for Approval.
Approval from another Security Administrator may be required.

How do I initiate a wire transfer?

A wire is a same-currency or cross-currency transfer of funds-made either domestically or globally. Follow the steps below to create a wire payment.

1. From the Access homepage, click the Payments tab.

2. Go to Wire & Other Payments, then click Create Wire or Other Payment.

3. Select Free-form from the dropdown list.

4. Select the appropriate Ordering/Originating Account Number or Name.

5. Select Wire from the Method dropdown list.

6. Select the Beneficiary Bank Country, then enter a Payment Amount and click Continue.

7. Select the Value Date (value dates are based on business days or currency holidays, and they can be set for up to 365 days).

8. Select the Beneficiary ID Type from the dropdown menu (Account Number, United States FED ABA or IBAN).

9. Enter the Beneficiary Name and Address.

10. Select the Bank ID Type from the menu (CHIPS, SWIFT ID, or FED ABA). The system will validate the information.

11. If required, enter Intermediary Bank information. Input Transaction Details are transmitted with the payments, and the beneficiary will see them.

Helpful tip: If you need to add notes, scroll down to the Sender to Receiver Instructions section and enter any additional information associated with the code selected.

12. Click Submit. The payment may need to be approved and released to be processed.

How do I initiate an ACH payment?

How do I create a U.S. ACH free-form payment?

1. From the Access homepage, click the Payments tab.

2. Go to U.S. ACH, then click Create U.S. ACH.

3. Select Free-form Payment from the dropdown menu.

4. Select the Account/Originating Number and ACH Method

The corresponding Transaction Categories menu will display, based on the method you choose.

5. Select the Transaction Category, then enter the payment amount.

6. Click Continue.

7. Select the Value Date.

You can set the value date up to 60 calendar days in the future (Cutoff time displays).

8. Enter the Beneficiary and Beneficiary Bank information.

To send a zero-dollar test to validate your beneficiary bank account, select Send Prenote.

To send additional details to help your beneficiary apply your payment, go to the Transaction Details section and click Addenda.

9. To add a second beneficiary, use free-form, then click Add Another Beneficiary.

10. Review the details, then click Submit to enter the payment in the approval workflow.

Where do I decision my check positive pay items?

How do I review Check exceptions?

IMPORTANT: On Tuesday, May 28, before the deadline at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT, log into First Republic’s Corporate Online to review and decision any pending check items in your positive pay queue to avoid having them marked for return.

You also may need to decision unauthorized ACH debits to avoid having them marked for return.

Follow these steps to view and review your Positive Pay Check exceptions, if you are entitled (Reason for exceptions is provided).

1. From the Access homepage, click the Checks tab, then click Home.

2. Go to the PosPay tab, then click Exception Review.

The list of accounts you’re entitled to displays with account status and number of available exceptions. Possible statuses are:

  • Exceptions Not Available: There may be exceptions today, but the bank is still reviewing the account.

  • No Exceptions Today: The account was reviewed by the bank and no exceptions were identified.

  • No Decisions Pending: All decisions have been made for the exceptions the bank identified.

  • Exceptions Available: The bank has reviewed the account and exceptions requiring customer review were identified.

3. Click the number in the Pending column.

Helpful Tip: To confirm the exception type, hover over Ex.Type column, which details the reason for the exception.

4. Review the exceptions (you can customize the items per page: Min.10 Max 100 ), then click the Pay or Rtn checkbox.

5. Click Submit Decisions.

6. Click Submit & Continue.

If you miss the cutoff time to review Positive Pay exceptions, the default decision will apply. If you need to change your submitted decision, contact your J.P. Morgan client service representative.

Where can I see my ACH Filter exceptions?

Where can I see my ACH exceptions?

You can access your ACH exceptions from the Checks tab.

1. From the Access homepage, click Checks, then click Home.

2. Click the ACH Filter tab and select Exception Review. The review screen will display.

3. On the right-hand side, there will be a hyperlink with a number, under Pending. Click the hyperlink.

4. Make your decision by selecting Pay or Rtn (Return) for each amount displayed.

5. Click Submit Decisions.

6. Review your exception Pay/Return decisions, then click Submit & Continue to send your decisions to the bank.

To reject an approved ACH exception, contact your J.P. Morgan client service representative.

Are there any user guides available?

Where can I find Access user Guides?

1. Click Help (top right), Then select Guides.

2. Select the product under the Filter By dropdown menu.

3. Click Download Guide.
All Access users Guides will be listed by product.

Need a user guide on an external application? Search for the guide within the app.

(Example: For the Receivables Edge user Guide, search within the Receivables Edge application.)

How do I open a new account?

SAs/users must be entitled to Digital Onboarding under Administration Services to open a new account.

Follow these steps to open an account using Digital Onboarding.

1. From the Access homepage, click the Manager tab.

2. Under Manager, click Company Overview.

3. Under My Requests, click Create New Request.

4. Click Open New Account, then complete the required fields.

5. Enter a name for your request and click Next.

6. Select account location to choose the country name.

7. Complete all required fields. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

8. Be sure the account location is correct (you can't change the account location once you click Next), then click Next.

9. Complete your primary contact information and add other contacts as needed, then click Next.

10. Click each account information tab to complete additional information as needed.

Helpful Tip: Complete the required fields. Grayed fields are locked in, you can't change them.

11. Once you finish all tabs, click Next.

12. Enter the number of accounts you need. (You can add up to 100 accounts).

13. Enter the account names, then click Next.

14. Do you want to write checks on the account? Select Yes or No. If you selected Yes, complete the required fields, then click Next.

15. To select product(s) to add to accounts, click the product tab, then click Next.

16. Attach any required documents, then click Review.

  • If ALL green checkmarks display, click Submit.

  • If Incomplete displays, click the item to complete and finish.

17. Once you’re finished, click Save as Template.

18. Enter a template name, then click Save.

19. Click Submit to send the request.

20. Review request details and check your email for your reserved account number.

Where can I find entitlements descriptions for Access?

1. Click Help (top right), then select Guides.

2. Select Manager under the Filter By dropdown menu.

3. Go to the Access Entitlement Descriptions Mapping and Options Guide. A product list displays.

How do I edit nicknames?

1. From the Access homepage, click the Manager tab.

2. Go to Relationship Browser, then, select the viewing by: Accounts.

3. Highlight the account you need, and from the 3 dots (right side), select Edit Nickname.

4. Add or edit the nickname and click Submit. Approval is not required.

How do I modify a user?

1. From the Access homepage, click the Manager tab.

2. Under Action Items, click Edit User.

3. Select the user you need to edit from the dropdown menu.

4. From the user Details page, click Edit Custom User. If Edit Custom user is greyed out, you may need to set Default user limits.

5. Review and edit the user profile, then click Next Entitlement.

6. Select the product you want to modify, you can only select one product at a time.

7. Click Add/Edit Product. You can also add or remove products, accounts and functions, and set limits.

8. Click Next.

9. When your edits are complete, click Next-Review, then click Submit for Approval.
Approval from another Security Administrator may be required.

Where do I approve administration requests?

All Administration requests with a pending approval status, including user entitlements, limits, tokens, or user credentials (i.e., user creation, token assignment, default user limits, password reset, etc.) show on the Administration Requests page automatically.

Follow the steps below to approve or reject administration requests.

1. From the Access homepage, click the Manager tab.

2. Go to Action Items, then click Requests.

3. Double-click on the request you'd like to approve or reject. You can also delete Administration requests from the Requests page.

If there's an error upon approval, wait for all other requests to complete, then try again. If the error persists, there may be a problem with the request. Delete the request and resubmit. For immediate assistance, contact the Access Helpdesk.

Request statuses are as follows:

  • Draft: Your request has been partially created and needs to be submitted.

  • Pending approval: Your request has been submitted and is waiting for your approval.

  • In progress: Your request is currently in line to be processed. Check back later.

  • Completed: Good news, your request is complete.

Where can I find cutoff times for USD wire and ACH payments?

When you create, view, approve or release a wire or ACH transaction, the cutoff time will display in Access. You can view standard cutoff times for USD Wire or ACH payments in the Access Help Center. Transactions must be approved and released before the applicable cutoff time.

How do I approve, release, reject a wire?

You can approve multiple Wire payments at once if you are not entitled to Approve at Detail.

Follow these steps to approve, release or reject Wires (Account Transfers, Drawdowns, Book Transfers, Draft/Checks, etc.).

1. From the Access homepage, click the Payments tab.

2. Under Action Items, click Wires Pending Action.

3. Checkmark the payment you need, then select an action from the bottom of the page (View, Approve, Release or Reject).

You can also click on the payment to see details, then select an action from the Transaction Detail page.

How do I approve, release, or reject an ACH?

You can approve multiple ACH payments at once if you are not entitled to Approve at Detail.

Follow these steps to approve, release or reject an ACH, if you have the right entitlements.

1. From the Access homepage, click the Payments tab.

2. Under Action Items, click ACH Pending Action.

3. Locate the payment you need.

4. Checkmark the payment you need, then select an action from the bottom of the page, Approve, Release or Reject.

How do I customize a report?

You can customize any of the data in a report, from the way the document looks and how often it is run and shared, to editing customized reports you’ve saved. Choose layouts, output types, date ranges, transaction types, scheduling and more, with Access Reports.

Helpful Tip: The Online format is recommended to view check images.

Follow these steps to customize and run a report:

1. From the Reports & Statements tab, go to Reports Templates, then select Cash, Payments or Administration.

2. Choose a report name, then click Customize.

3. Complete Basic Information about how you want your report to appear, typically this includes Date, Format and Report Name (options vary).

Need more ways to customize? Click the Accounts, Data And Display, Sorting And Totals, Schedule and Share tabs. For more options, review additional tabs prior to running or saving (if desired).

4. To run the same customized report in the future, click Save or to run the report immediately after you finish customizing, click Run.

  • If you need reports from specific applications, such as Receivables Edge, Checks, etc, run the report from the appropriate application.

  • If your request includes accounts that reside in India, you may get two different reports in your inbox.

Shared reports: Only the person who creates the customized report can modify it, recipient(s) of a shared report will be allowed to delete the report when the creator is no longer an active user.

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Remember: We won't ask for confidential information such as your password, personal identification number (PIN) or other account information in a text message or email, or over the phone unless you call us about an issue, such as something to do with your account.

The information provided here is intended to help clients protect themselves from fraud and cyberfraud. It does not provide a comprehensive list of all types of fraud activities or identify all types of cybersecurity best practices. Your company or organization is responsible for determining how to best protect itself against fraud and cyberfraud and for selecting the best practices that are most appropriate to your needs.

Clients who do not use appropriate fraud-prevention tools increase their risk of losses and are liable for all losses incurred for payments originating using any authorized users’ security credentials or others who have designated transaction authority.

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